đŸ“ĻGenesis Crates

The Genesis Crate (3000 supply)

The genesis crates are a collection of 5000 NFTs being the first NFTs in Crowboys Ecosystem giving a lot of features for early investors. 1. You can treat it like a Early-Bird VIP founders pass-box. 2. By holding a Genesis Crate you are joining the Crowboys Community and are getting the possibility to play-to-earn and take part in many events that yield competitive fun and generous rewards. 3. You are Whitelisted for everything we're dropping/launching. 4. All crate holders will also get 5% of our fund raising EVERY TIME THROUGH THE LIFE OF CROWBOYS PROJECT. So each MINT, DROP, LAUNCH you will get your $share! 5. 10% of secondary sales also go back to holders! 8% go to holders in staking (staking is already live on two partnered platforms), 2% go back to holders as rewards for games and events in our community. 6. 10+ Holders also get 1x free mint of our Genesis Avatars! 7. Crates also have 2 special unique features inside. First one is AIRDROP of 2 weapons NFTs and profile banner. Second one is Crate Treasure opening. See more here ->Crate 'Openings' Is it the end? Of course not! 8. Once we're live with our game, crates will be accumulating the fixed number of $WEST tokens on a daily basis, after the game launch, so you have an easier life with depositing for a chance to win high stake rewards such as $Wild in competitive gaming modes. You can then use the $WEST token to trade weapons, skins, horses, wearables, and properties. Players who do not own a Genesis crate will need to earn $WEST through gameplay. Ok... so now... finally... is it the end? 9. NO! We're constantly looking for more and more utilities for these crates, so having these will really let you become a VIP in the NFT market.

Mint Link: https://app.ebisusbay.com/drops/genesis-crates

Seed Funding

We are a big project coming to a Cronos Blockchain, but our strategy is to gather the initial funds through crowdfunding and internal bootstrap contributions. That's why we're dropping our crates, which will NOT be minted ever again. It's 3000 of them forever. Call your pardners and giddy up!


We will be doing mint raffles - Every mint and every crate is an additional chance to win one reward from each raffle. So, quick math; the more crates you have, the more chances to win you have!


Public minting - 330 CRO Whitelisted Crowboys & Ebisu's Bay Founding NFT Holders - 300 CRO THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MINT

Mint Limits

There is no total mint limit per wallet, but you will only be allowed to mint 8 at a time. Meaning you can mint up to 8 in one transaction, then a second transaction would allow you to mint 8 more, and so on.

✮ Benefits ✮

Good, Bad & Ugly Rarity

Crate 'Openings'

Each crate will have some treasure inside, Weapons and Wealth Factor Attribute.


Crates can be opened at a later date, following the Official Weapons Mint. Each create you mint will contain 2 weapon NFTs that will be acquired after you open the crate.

Check Good, Bad & Ugly Rarity to see the probability of getting each weapon.

Wealth Factor Attribute

Each crate will also have an attribute called Wealth Factor. This attribute will be rated on a scale of 0 to 10. The higher the wealth rating of each crate, the higher chance you will get for rarer additional treasure to receive when opening your crate. This could range from small bags of $WILD or $CRO tokens to other Crowboys NFTS, or some other awesome surprises even from other projects! Who knows what you'll find in your crate!


What we have not been telling you the whole time is.... We love Easter eggs! There are 8 UNIQUE CRATES with specific weapons and attributes inside! Be sure to check yours!!!

Last updated