👾Genesis Avatars

The Genesis Crowboy (TBA)

Crowboy Avatars

We are excited to announce the release of our one of a kind and never before done, Web3 concept of a GameFi Avatar. Crowboy Avatars are the humanoid Crowboy characters that are needed to play the game. Without the Crowboy Avatar you cannot exist in the competitive and metaverse Crowboys world and wont be able to integrate with others in West City, so be sure to grab one when the time comes! We are planning to make many Avatars in the future so people can differ from each other!

You don't have to have one to play Crowboys in casual mode but then you will have only a default avatar with default pistol. For now we are focusing to only drop the Genesis Crowboy for early backers. The beginning of every new season will be accompanied by the drop of new assets from the team like avatars, accessories, and more! These assets from the team will be unique and NEVER released again!

When you log into the game with your wallet you will go to a UI where you can create a character from a base character like any game. You be able to choose from accessories, colours, features and more! You will decide what traits you want your character to have; you will also be able to add a name and a bio with all features being changeable by paying a fee of 250 $WILD tokens per change. Once you have decided on your final result you will click "mint" adding your character permanently to the blockchain. Process works as follows: 1. Connect wallet 2. Build Avatar In UI menu. 3. Mint Avatar Because the game is done in seasons, each season's unique traits will be made available to those that hold special season pass NFTs. Once the season is over those traits will no-longer be available EVER again and the only way to obtain characters with them is on the secondary market. The goal of this is to truly put the power back into the hands of the creator! These avatars will also be upgradeable by how much time you put into building and leveling them up; value wont be superficial or artificially placed, value instead will be placed on the most valuable asset in the world...TIME! Did we forget to mention these are UNLIMITED mints?! YES, simply pay the required $WILD Tokens and you can keep on minting!

Introducing AI-FI

Crowboy AI-Avatars

These unique Avatars will be one the Crowboys many contributions to the innovation of GameFi. They will NOT be avatars you can make and can only be acquired by minting them upon their release or on the secondary market. They will be upgradable depending on specific NFTs that are held and burned to increase their stats for specialized game modes to be announced outside of our standard TPS competitive modes. The 3d version of these avatars will only be viewable by connecting your wallet to the game and playing, otherwise you will simply see a PFP version of your avatar that you can view in your wallet, buy, sell, and trade on the secondary market. These Avatars will have a yield property tied to our public token $WILD. There will be MORE special features these avatars will have that shall be announced at a later time closer to their release to protect from copycats and malicious actors. Just know they will have the ability to help you earn PASSIVELY without ever lifting a finger... YEEHAW! What benefits do they give?

  • Second of two genesis NFTs you need to hold to become a Genesis Member = Events, Airdrops & Alpha/Beta testing of the game, Metaverse, $WILD token yield and MORE!

  • Each Genesis Crowboys is Unique!

Why should You have BOTH the Genesis Crate and the Crowboy?

  • PLAY BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE - Being a holder of both automatically whitelists you to be a participant for alpha and beta tests of the game and metaverse!

  • UNIQUE AIRDROPS - Special TOKEN and unique NFT airdrops for Genesis Citizens of West City!

Last updated